
Journal Articles

Dr Sajan Kurien

Dean Expert in Fruit Science and Breeding... View Profile

Dr Jenita Thinakaran

Professor Horticultural Entomology - tritrophic (plant-patho... View Profile

Dr Vijaya Kumar R M

Professor Specialzation in Fruit Science... View Profile

Dr Satheeshan K N

Professor Landscaping and Floriculture, Post Harvest Technol... View Profile

Dr Gopi V

Assistant Professor Specialization in Fruit Science... View Profile

Dr Suresh V

Assistant Professor specialization in Spices, Plantation, Medicinal an... View Profile

Dr Jeevitha D

Assistant Professor Specialization in vegetable breeding... View Profile

Dr Manjula B S

Assistant Professor Specialization in Flower crops and Landscaping... View Profile

Dr Anitha M

Assistant Professor Floriculture and Landscaping- Orchids... View Profile

Dr Ranchana P

Assistant Professor Horticulture... View Profile

Dr Karishma Sebastian

Assistant Professor Post Harvest Technology and Fruit Science... View Profile

Dr Umesh Chimmalagi

Assistant Professor Expert in Vegetable science and Breeding of vegeta... View Profile